Almond Milk Berry Protein Smoothie

Four times at the gym this week…and counting!

I have said it before, and I am sure I will say it again, but it is time for me to get back in shape. Our upcoming trip to Maui I think has been the swift kick in the arse that I needed!

I have slowly been easing myself into a gym routine. I have found that after a long day at work, the last place I want to be is the gym. When I get home, I want to change into comfortable clothing, make dinner and sit and relax on the couch. Instead, I have been waking up extra early to work out before going to work. While it has not been easy, I definitely feel like I have more energy throughout the day. That may be as a result of the workout, my almond milk berry protein smoothie or my new North Detail smoothie tumbler. Who knows?! All I know is that the light at end of the tunnel of every workout is a smoothie and this one is definitely a winner! Scroll down for the recipe.

My adorable new tumbler is now on sale for $8.40 and it comes with free shipping! It definitely brightens up my mornings.

BREAKFAST: Almond Milk Berry Protein Smoothie


Califia Farms Almond Milk, 1 cup

Fresh Ground Peanut Butter, 1 tablespoon

Navitas Naturals Organic Raw Chia Seeds, 1 teaspoon

Frozen Strawberries

Frozen Blueberries

Frozen Raspberries

Frozen Blackberries

Water (optional/to taste, to make less thick)

Tumbler with Straw, 1 

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