This year is just FLYING BY! I cannot believe that summer is over and school has begun. I feel like we were just shopping for summer clothing for summer camp! Nathan started school last Thursday, and I still do not understand how I have a two year old. He is FLOURISHING in the 2’s class! He is so talkative and his vocabulary is growing by the day.
This year, we upgraded Nathan’s backpack to a big boy backpack with his favorite movie plastered ALL OVER IT. To say that Nathan is Cars obsessed would be a major understatement. I almost bought him the matching lunchbox but then though better of it. A little too matchy matchy for a two year old, right? I picked out a basic navy and grey lunchbox instead. While Nathan’s exact lunchbox isn’t available anymore, it comes in a variety of other colors. These lunchboxes are the best because they are so easy to wipe clean!
Nathan wore out his shoes at summer camp, so it was time to pick up a few new pairs for him. I like to have him alternate between two different pair. We typically buy Nathan’s shoes at Nordstrom. They always have such a great selection at different price points. This year, Stride Rite saved me a trip! The Stride Rite team sent these cuties along for Nathan’s first day. He is LOVING them so far! They are already covered in chalk and dirt.
To ensure that Nathan doesn’t lose anything, I have plastered each and every one of his items with a label. I worked with Name Bubbles on a collaboration at the beginning of the summer and became OBSESSED with their labels. They are machine washable and dishwasher safe. They are basically indestructible. If you are looking for personalized labels, these are AMAZING. They are actually running a promotion from now through September 12th for 20% off their Daycare Label Pack with the code PLAYTIME20. This is not sponsored. I just really love the labels!
Hope your kiddo’s first days of school went well too!

Photography by Lauren Anzevino for Laurel Creative