I cannot believe it is already December 11th! How are we only 11 days away from Chanukah?!
Since the beginning of December, we have been reading Chanukah themed books to Nathan and Nora to get them excited for the holiday. I had a few books from last year, and I added a few new ones to our collection this year.
So far, Nathan’s favorites are Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel (because I sing the song to him) and Elmo’s Little Dreidel. I am sensing a theme here… He is REALLY into dreidels! Nora LOVES looking at all of the pictures and totally bounces around when we sing.
I love reading holiday themed books to both of them because it teaches them about the holiday, even if it is in a small way. Chanukah shouldn’t be and really isn’t meant to be ALL about the presents. The holiday is meant to celebrate the miracle of Chanukah – how a small amount of oil lasted EIGHT DAYS and EIGHT NIGHTS. That is why we light candles for eight nights! If you are interested in learning more about the story of Chanukah, click HERE.
After Chanukah ends, I put the books away and I don’t bring them back out until next year. It gives the kids something fun to look forward to!
If you are looking for a cute way to get your kids excited for Chanukah, you should definitely check out these books! ALL of them are available on Amazon (YAY PRIME!!!) or at your local Barnes and Noble.

We haven’t celebrate Hannukah in ages since it was always a kid holiday. But man I miss latkes! I may have to host myself with friends!
xo Jessica
My Style Vita