Lawyer Mom

Two and a half years ago, my ENTIRE WORLD turned upside down, in the best way possible. I became a mother. The moment they put Nathan in my arms, EVERYTHING changed. My focus, my priorities, my attitude, my life. It truly was a transformative experience, for me and for E.

After twelve weeks of maternity leave, it was time to go back to work. If you don’t know, I work in-house full time as a lawyer for a telecommunications company. Check out my ABOUT ME page HERE. Honestly, I was excited, and a little scared. Going back to work, this time as a mother, was going to be different. I had more responsibilities than ever before. My workload was heavier and more complex, and my home life was BUSY. Before becoming a mother, I considered myself an excellent multitasker. Well…pre-mom me couldn’t have truly understood what it meant to multitask. I had never had this many balls in the air at once!

I have found that becoming a mother has made me a better and more efficient lawyer. My time management has vastly improved because it had to. I am on a strict daycare drop off and pick up schedule. As a result, my in-office work hours are etched in stone. I am in by 9:00AM (9:10AM, the LATEST) and out by 5:30PM. During those hours, my focus is and needs to be solely on work. When I am at work, I am working, and when I am at home, I am spending REAL quality time with my family. I really try not to take work home with me, if I can help it.

Finding a work-life balance is HARD. That first year with Nathan, there were many nights and weekends where Nathan was hanging out or napping in his car seat in my cube while I typed away on my computer, trying to get an agreement out.

Since having Nora, our lives have only gotten busier, and my work, more complex. Thankfully, though, E and I have found a schedule and routine that works for us. Without a schedule it would be CHAOS! Scroll down for a look at our daily schedule.

6:50AM – Alarm goes off

7:10AM – E and I get out of bed, open Nathan’s door and give him milk

7:15AM – E and I shower and get dressed

7:40AM – Change Nathan and Nora and give Nora her bottle

7:50AM – Make lunches for Nathan, Nora, E, and myself

8:00AM – E leaves for work

8:10AM – Blow-dry my hair while the kiddos watch Disney Plus or Paw Patrol and eat breakfast

8:30AM – Start loading the kiddos into the car

8:50AM – Daycare dropoff

9:00AM/9:10AM – Arrive at work

5:30PM – Leave work

5:40PM – Daycare pickup

6:00PM – Arrive at home, make dinner while the kiddos play or watch TV

7:00PM – Bathtime

8:00PM – Kiddos Bedtime

8:00PM – Bedtime – Peloton/Blogging/Pay Bills/Clean Up/Watch TV/Dishes/Laundry/EVERYTHING

**On blog photoshoot days, I wake up at 6:30AM to shower and blow dry my hair. Lauren arrives at 7:30AM and we shoot for an hour while E gets the kiddos ready.

Jessica: Top (sold out, similar HERE), Pants, Shoes, Bag, Earrings (c/o)
Nora: Romper (ON SALE), Bow

Photography by Laurel Creative