We are officially well into November, so you know what that means….THANKSGIVING IS COMING! Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday on the calendar. I love the food, the time spent with family, and the entire message of Thanksgiving. Who can’t get on board with a message of “thankfulness”?!
Over the last few years, I have put together a collection of Thanksgiving and fall themed kids books for Nathan and Nora. I add one or two new ones each year. We bring them out on November 1st and read them all month long!
Some of our favorites include Five Little Thank-Yous, Llama Llama Gives Thanks, and “Because of an Acorn.” This year, I added T is for Thankful because we are working on the alphabet and letter recognition with Nathan.
Scroll down to check out our ENTIRE Thanksgiving and fall themed kids books collection! If you have a favorite Thanksgiving or fall themed book not included here, I would LOVE to hear about it! Send me a DM!