I first heard about Equilibria from Grace Atwood, of The Stripe, at the beginning of 2020. I was intrigued by the idea of CBD oil, but skeptical. It wasn’t until the pandemic hit that I seriously thought about trying it.
Equilibria is a woman-founded and owned company. To read more about their story and mission, click HERE. I started my CBD journey with the Equilibria Relief Cream. I had been having some lower back pain from regularly riding on my Peloton (check out my review HERE), and I had tried all of the other traditional remedies (heating pad, Icy Hot Strips, Advil, etc.), but they weren’t working for me. I was up to try just about ANYTHING for a little relief. Within a few days of using the Relief Cream, my back pain subsided. I have been a Equilibria CBD convert ever since!
I added the Equilibria Daily Softgels to my nightly routine in early June. I had been home by myself with both kiddos while also working from home full time since mid-March, and I needed something to take the edge off and help me get a good night’s sleep. I had severe anxiety, and I was really having a hard time. Riding the Peloton helped a little, but it wasn’t enough.
I started taking one Softgel about 20 minutes before bed. After about a week of taking the Softgels consistently, my sleep really improved. I was sleeping uninterrupted, and I was getting a deeper sleep than I had in a while. I also didn’t have that anxious pit in my stomach every morning when I woke up. Everyone needs a well rested mama!
If you are looking to try CBD but are a skeptic, like me, I recommend giving Equilibria a try! Use code REFJESSICALYNNWEINBERG for $20 OFF your first order!
*This post is NOT sponsored by Equilibria. I am just a big fan!