How Do You Choose Gentle? with JOHNSON’S®

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by JOHNSON’S®. As always, all opinions are my own.

Holding Nathan in my arms for the first time after he was born was one of the most important, life altering, precious moments I have ever experienced. I became a parent in that moment, and it changed everything for me. In that moment I knew I would do whatever I could to protect Nathan. So when it came time to choose products to use for him, it was only natural that we chose JOHNSON’S®. Our parents used JOHNSON’S® products for us. I am so excited to be partnering with JOHNSON’S® and to reintroduce you to their products over the next couple of months. As we have gotten older and become parents, JOHNSON’S® has evolved and recently overhauled all of their baby products to make them more gentle.

In doing so, they are guided by the following five promises:

1. Only use purposeful ingredients.

2. Never stop raising the bar.

3. Be open and honest.

4. Think like a parent first.

5. Help make the world a gentler place.

JOHNSON’S® took a look at all of the ingredients in their products and removed anything that was not absolutely necessary. By doing so, they reduced the number of ingredients in their portfolio by HALF! That is AMAZING! In an effort to be more transparent, JOHNSON’S® has committed to sharing 100% of the ingredients included in their products with their customers. JOHNSON’S® commitment to only using purposeful ingredients has gotten me thinking about my secret “ingredients” to parenthood, including the things that make Nathan smile. He LOVES zerberts on his belly – the giggle is REAL. He also really loves when E makes pig noises. His laugh is truly the best sound!

I find it incredibly impressive that JOHNSON’S®, a leader in the baby product industry, has taken it upon themselves to listen to parents and customers and make positive changes. I am so excited to be a part of these changes and to share our journey along the way!

Thank you JOHNSON’S® for sponsoring this post.

Photography by Little Nest Montclair

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