Big Brother Backpack

How do you prepare an 18 month old to be a big brother? Well…. you kind of don’t. As much as we tried to explain the concept to Nathan, he is just too young to understand. So instead, I decided to go with bribery. Just kidding!

I was inspired by Cristina Toff, a fellow New Jersey blogger and mama, to pack a backpack full of presents for Nathan to receive upon the arrival of his new sibling. I thought that a backpack full of fun gifts would lessen the blow a bit. He was SO EXCITED to receive it! Below are photos and links to everything I included in it.

Cubcoats – When I saw these cute sweatshirts I knew Nathan needed to own one. I let E pick out which character to get him. Of course E picked Spiderman!

Happy Oak Toys Turtle Puzzle – Nathan is really into puzzles at the moment, and his mama is really into natural wood. Happy Oak Toys makes the most adorable wood puzzles. We already own their shark puzzle, so I decided to get the turtle to match!

Candylab Mini Cars – Over Chanukah, Nathan received two Candylab cars as a gift from his aunt. He LOVES them! When I looked them up, I found out that they just released mini cars. I bought all six on the spot. I only included two in his big brother backpack, though! He will receive the others over the next couple months.

My New Baby Book and I Am A Big Brother Book – These books are ADORABLE and the perfect way to explain a new sibling. Nathan loves reading several books before bed, and these two books have become some of his favorites since Nora’s arrival.

Dinosaur Skip Hop Backpack – Nathan is pretty obsessed with dinosaurs at the moment! Thank you Amazon Prime and Dino Dan. When I saw that Skip Hop had a dinosaur backpack, I knew Nathan needed to have one.

Photography by Laurel Creative

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