Willow Breast Pump Review

When I posted on Instagram that I had been using the Willow breast pump, I received several questions and direct messages asking for my honest opinion of it. I decided to write up my review here on the blog so it is easy for everyone to find. Well…here goes!

When I was pregnant with Nora, I was was VERY afraid that I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed her as successfully as I did Nathan. When I breastfed Nathan he was an only child. I didn’t have to worry about another child running around, constantly wanting my attention, and asking for things 24/7. With Nora, I knew things would be different. Nathan is a VERY active toddler! I used the Spectra 2 pump with Nathan. It is a great pump, but you are basically stuck in one spot when you are pumping. I knew that was NOT going to work with two kids under the age of two.

When I heard about the Willow breast pump, I was intrigued. A wearable breast pump?! Could it be? Then I saw the price tag. $499.99. OUCH. I closed the browser window and forgot about it for a month or two. As I approached my due date, though, I kept coming back to it. I ultimately decided that the convenience of a wearable breast pump and my sanity was worth the cost. Willow 2.0 added to cart! Because I had Nathan only a year and a half before, I was not eligible to have any of this cost covered by my insurance. Technically, you are only allowed a new breast pump covered by insurance every three years (at least that is what my insurance covers). I was so excited when it arrived. Honestly, it was like opening a new Apple product. Who doesn’t love opening a brand new electronic device? I couldn’t wait to try it!

A few weeks before my maternity leave was ending, I started to pump to build up a breastmilk stash for Nora’s daycare. With Nathan, I did NOT do this and I regretted it. Attention First Time Moms: BUILD UP A STASH IF YOU CAN! For my first few pumping sessions I used the Spectra, since I knew how to use it and I wanted to get into a rhythm. One night, after the kids went to sleep, I decided to FINALLY test out the Willow. First, I watched all of the videos. I highly recommend watching every last one of them before you start using your pump. Almost every single question I had was answered while watching the videos.

Then it was time to actually try it. I found the assembly difficult at first but, once you get the hang of it, it only takes a minute per side. I also initially had a hard time getting a good latch. Thankfully the pump won’t work if the latch isn’t good and the app will tell you that you need to adjust. I attribute my latch issue to the fact that I wasn’t wearing one of my full coverage nursing bras. It really held the pumps in place! Once I did that, the latch was MUCH better. My first few pumping sessions weren’t very productive. I would pump MAYBE 2 ounces total between my two boobs. It was a little discouraging. Don’t give up though! Over time, the more I used it, the more I would produce. I now produce more with my Willow then I do with my Spectra! I have worn my Willow while playing cars with Nathan, while bathing the kids, while making dinner, while blogging etc. You can wear it ANYWHERE! It is so incredibly FREEING!

Another thing I love about the Willow is their pumping bags. You insert them into each pump and, when you are done, you remove them and can instantly pop them into your bag or into the freezer. The bags are sealed! You don’t need to transfer the milk anywhere. One of my biggest issues with the Spectra pump is that the milk has to be transferred from the bottles into milk bags. I cannot tell you how many times I have spilled milk accidentally. And then I am the crazy lady crying over spilled milk. IT IS LIQUID GOLD, PEOPLE! With the Willow, this isn’t an issue!

My Spectra pump is my work pump and my Willow is my home pump. While the Willow isn’t as loud as my Spectra, it is loud enough that I wouldn’t want wear it to a meeting or sit in my cube while pumping. It is nice to have a pump in each place. That way, I don’t have to shuttle one pump back and forth. With Nathan, I would shuttle the Spectra back and forth every single day and it was exhausting. I also cannot tell you how many times I would leave parts at home accidentally and would have to run home to get them. NOPE.

So…after reading all of this, you are probably wondering, IS THE WILLOW PUMP WORTH IT? For me, it definitely has been worth every penny. Is it pricey, YES. But it has allowed me to play with Nathan, while also providing sustenance for Nora. That is PRICELESS!

If you have ANY questions about the Willow breast pump feel free to send me an email or DM. Happy to answer any questions you have!

Get 48 FREE milk bags with the purchase of a Willow breast pump by clicking HERE!

*This post is NOT sponsored by Willow. I paid full price for my breast pump.

Photography by Laurel Creative