My Two Year Old’s Favorite Toys

Over the last couple months, Nathan’s taste in toys has shifted. For the longest time, he was never really into building anything. If anything, he was more interested in destruction. Lately though, he has FINALLY shown interest in building.

I had been wanting to get him these magnetic building blocks for a long time, but wanted to wait until he was old enough to appreciate them. The team at Shape Mags sent over this set a little over a month ago and Nathan is obsessed with them! Every morning we build our dream home with them, and then we (READ: Nathan) tear it down. I love seeing his imagination at work!

I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for new toy ideas for the kids. I thought it would be interesting if I shared Nathan’s recent favorites. These are in no particular order.

Shape Mags

Wooden Kitchen, Refrigerator and Play Food – This child is ALL ABOUT FOOD. Just like his parents. He is constantly cooking for us and bringing us meals. I love seeing his eyes light up when he talks about food.

Woody from Toy Story – Nathan recently watched Toy Story and Toy Story 2 for the first time. He has been taking Woody EVERYWHERE (into the bath, into his crib). Wherever Nathan goes, Woody goes too!

Wooden Cash Register – So many coins to put into the register, so little time! It has also helped with counting.

Lightning McQueen ANYTHING – Cars 3 was on REPEAT at our house for MONTHS. Thankfully, it has been removed from Netflix. The Lightning McQueen obsession has not been removed though.

Tee Ball Set – Nathan hasn’t quite figured out how to hit the ball properly, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t had a great time trying! I have had an even better time videotaping him. Sometimes he will just walk up the the Tee and hit the ball with his hand. So funny.

Wooden Train Set – This set was a gift that Nathan received for his birthday. He plays with it almost every single morning before daycare.

School Bus – I bought this bus for Nathan just before his first birthday. He showed little to no interest in it, so I put it away. Over the last month or so, Nathan has been really into the “Wheels on the Bus” song. We sing it every single night before bed. I thought he would enjoy this toy again so I brought it back out. GOOD MOVE. He loves it!

Wooden Cleaning Set – When I put this on Nathan’s birthday wishlist, people laughed at me. I just knew he would enjoy using it. He is always sweeping and mopping the floor. It is actually kind of hilarious to watch. Nothing really gets cleaned, but he has a good time trying.

Wooden House and Calico Critters – One day, when I was picking Nathan up at daycare, I noticed him playing with a dollhouse. He seemed really into it. So I decided to pick one up. I bought one that is neutral. I know Nora will use it when she gets a little older. Instead of dolls, Nathan has been using Calico Critters. My mother-in-law had a whole box of them at her house that a cousin had played with when she was younger. Nathan was happy to inherit them! I think I need to get him some furniture for the house. I am really eyeing this set!

Photography by Lauren Anzevino for Laurel Creative