Over the last several months we have been introducing solids into Nora’s diet. Honestly, she was NOT that enthused at the beginning. We started around 4 months, and she hated them so much (READ: GAG) we put solids on hold for a bit. A little over a month later, we started again and she was much more receptive! We have cycled through most of the basic fruit, vegetables, and grains.
At Nora’s 6 month appointment, our pediatrician said that it was ok to try peanut butter. Instead of giving Nora straight peanut butter (a little mixed in with some formula or cereal) or Bamba, we decided to try Lil Mixins Infant Peanut Powder. You mix it in with baby food a couple times a week. It only has ONE ingredient – organic peanuts.
We mix it into applesauce, smashed bananas, sweet potatoes, even peas! She LOVES IT! And more importantly, she hasn’t had a reaction to the peanuts, and is therefore not allergic. If you are looking for an easy way to introduce peanuts into your child’s diet, you should definitely check out Lil Mixins Infant Peanut Powder!
Use promo code MOMSMEET20 to get 20% off your entire Lil Mixins order by clickingΒ HEREΒ or visitingΒ momsmeet.link/lilmixins.
**I received this product for free from Moms Meet to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links. Thank you Moms Meet and Lil Mixins for sponsoring this post.