No Shop November

This post should have gone live on November 1st. But life, work, and two young kids. You know the drill. It is crazy around here!

So here it is. My mission, for the entire month of November, is to make a concerted effort not to buy anything for myself, E, or the kids, unless absolutely necessary (ie. food, diapers, wipes, etc.). That means no lunch break shopping trips to the mall, no late night online shopping, and most importantly, and probably the most difficult thing for me, absolutely NO Black Friday shopping.

Why am I doing this? Because honestly, we have too much. Too much clothing that we don’t wear, too many toys that aren’t played with regularly, and too much clutter.

Instead of shopping this month, I will be spending my time organizing everything, and selling, consigning, and/or donating items that are in good condition. I sell my gently used clothing and accessories on Poshmark, thredUP (click HERE to order a Clean Out Kit), and on my local SWAP Facebook groups. Everything else will be donated to Goodwill or my local Green Drop donation center. It is so freeing to purge our home of the excess.

I think this month will help me more effectively do what I already do every day. Shop my closet more efficiently! It is always fun to rediscover pieces that I haven’t worn in a while!

Photography by Laurel Creative

  • I just donated over 20 bags of clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories and it felt so good to get all that out of the house (and know it’s going somewhere it will help others!) I know I’ll still shop but I’m trying to be better!!

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