Our Baby Must Haves

Now that we have been through the newborn phase twice, I can confidently compile a list of our baby MUST HAVES. Honestly, there isn’t a lot that you NEED those first few months, but there are definitely a few items that will make your life a lot easier if you do have them.

A Costco or BJ’s Membership – To buy ALL OF THE WIPES AND DIAPERS. Trust me. You will need it! We are there at least once a month.

Doona Car Seat Stroller – ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE. The Doona Car Seat Stroller has made our lives infinitely easier. I don’t know what I would have done without it during those first few months of daycare drop off with two kiddos. Read my full review HERE.

Bassinet – We used the Halo Bassinest for Nathan and loved it (the swivel feature was a godsend for those late night feedings) and we used the Happiest Baby SNOO for Nora (and it was AMAZING – read my full unsponsored review HERE).

Little Nomad Play Mat – We have been fans of Little Nomad (now, House of Noa) since it launched on Kickstarter! Their designs fit right into our modern home. It also doesn’t hurt that the founder and creator of Little Nomad and House of Noa is one of the sweetest people ever! The mats are the perfect place to do tummy time or to play.

Toki Mat – I bought a Toki Mat for Nora so she had something a little softer to do tummy time on since she HATED it. It really helped her push through her hatred of the exercise. She loved the mat! And so do I! The cover is beautiful, removable, and machine washable. This feature definitely came in handy a few times (ie. spit up, poop, etc.) Nathan is also a big fan. He loves rolling on it and laying down next to Nora when she is hanging out.

Keekaroo Changing Pad – WOW I wish we had this for Nathan! The Keekaroo is impermeable to any fluid so if your child has an accident on the changing pad, all you have to do is wipe it clean! I loved it so much that I bought a second one for Nathan’s room.

Lollipop Baby Monitor – LOVE this monitor. We received one for free from the brand when Nathan was born. Read my full review HERE. When I learned that I was pregnant with Nora, I bought one for her room too.

DockATot – A MUST have in my opinion. Read my full review HERE. Full disclosure: I was gifted the DockATot, but would TOTALLY have bought it anyway based on friends’ recommendations.

Carter’s Newborn Basics – Carter’s has really great newborn basics. I stocked up on a bunch of plain onesies and leggings just after Nathan was born, and he LIVED in them.

Monica + Andy Bodysuits and Pants – Nora basically LIVED in Monica + Andy bodysuits and leggings during her first few months of life. They are so easy to put on and take off, and they wash really well.

Dreft Detergent – You might as well buy the big bottle because you will be doing A LOT of laundry!

Wee Gallery Art Cards for Baby – Studies show that babies can see high contrast shapes and patterns from a very early age. I bought these for Nora to look at while she did tummy time. Whenever I put them in front of her, they would hold her attention. The drawings are also really cute!

Babyganics Alcohol Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer – We have bottles of this in EVERY room of the house. Having a baby right in the thick of flu season is NO JOKE. While we still got the flu anyway (thank you, Nathan), we were otherwise healthy throughout winter, so I call that a win.

Pacifiers – We used these for Nathan and these for Nora.

Bottles – We used these for Nathan and these for Nora.

Mirror – Nathan and Nora LOVE staring at themselves. I bought this mirror so they could stare at themselves while they did tummy time.

Copper Pearl Swaddles – These swaddles come in the cutest patterns and colors, they are so soft, and they wash really well! We still use them as blankets in the car.

Nested Bean Sleep Sack – The Nested Bean Sleep Sack is essentially a weighted blanket for babies. It is GENIUS! It is the ONLY sleep sack we have used for Nora, and honestly we swear by it. It made our transition from the SNOO to her crib SEAMLESS. We only had a night or two of crying and, even then, it wasn’t horrible.

Hatch Sound Machine – We didn’t have a sound machine for Nathan, but I heard great things about the Hatch, so I registered for it when we had Nora. I am so incredibly thankful that someone bought it! Nora became accustomed to the noise from her SNOO. When it came time to transition her to the crib, it was nice to have the sound machine that we could turn on for her. She listens to rain sounds and ocean waves every night and loves them!

Baby Bath – We really loved this one for its modern design and because it fit so nicely on our bathroom counter. We used it for both kids, and they both loved it!

Johnson’s Baby Products – We are a Johnson’s Baby family! I especially love the new Newborn line. They are all so gentle on your baby’s skin.

Mustela Cradle Cap Shampoo and Cream – Nora had really bad cradle cap. The ONLY thing that worked was the Mustela Cradle Cap Shampoo and Cream. I bought them one night (or early morning after feeding Nora) on a whim after reading some reviews. They definitely lived up to the hype.

Desitin Diaper Rash CreamDesitin is THE BEST Diaper Cream on the market. It cures even the WORST diaper rash. Believe me, we have seen really bad ones. The 40% Zinc Oxide works wonders!

If you have any additional baby must haves, please share them in the comments!

Photography by Laurel Creative