My Fave Five – May 2020

Yes… I know it is already the middle of June. I took a little time off from the blog and social media. With everything going on in the world I felt like I needed a break. A time to listen and learn. A time to focus on my family and myself.

Here are my five faves from May 2020!


Step2 Wagon

When E gets home from work, we (try) to take the kiddos out for a walk, even if it is just around the block. At the beginning of quarantine, I ordered this Step2 wagon and it has been such a hit with the kids. They love facing each other during our walks, and they love to laugh at each other, and share snacks. It really is so fun to watch them together in it!


Donut Fridays

For as long as Nathan has been alive, we have always celebrated the end of each week with bagels on Friday from our favorite local bagel shop, Kosher Bagels Supreme. Unfortunately, since quarantine began, we have not been able to pick up bagels on Friday. In the middle of May, after our weekly challah drop off (we bake challah every Friday and deliver it to family and friends), Nathan asked for a snack. Since we were already in the car, I decided to surprise the kids with donuts from one of the two donut drive throughs near our house. That first week was a HUGE hit. We have had donuts every Friday since! There is a Dunkin Donuts and a Krispy Kreme drive through, so we just go to whichever one’s line is shorter!


Baby Foot Exfoliation Foot Peel

One of the things I miss most about life before quarantine is pedicures. MAN I MISS SPAZIO NAILS. I used to go about once a month, and it was AMAZING. I miss the massages, the fresh polish, the alone time but, most of all, I miss having baby soft feet after a pedicure. After seeing EVERYONE and their mother (on Instagram) use the Baby Foot Exfoliation Foot Peel and rave about it, I decided to give it a try. If it didn’t work, it wasn’t a huge investment.

Well, let me tell you, it was DEFINITELY worth it. You wear the booties filled with the peel for an hour and then wash everything off. Over the next week or two, the skin on your feet peels off. It is disgusting but GLORIOUS! While my feet were peeling, I wore socks. That way, the dead skin didn’t fall off everywhere. Once I was done peeling, the bottoms of my feet were SO SOFT!


Brookhollow’s Barnyard

Brookhollow’s Barnyard is a farm located in Boonton, New Jersey. At the beginning of quarantine, they decided to become a drive through farm. For weeks, they were BOOKED SOLID. One weekend, we lucked out and were able to score some tickets. Nathan was SO EXCITED! We let him sit in the front seat and throw carrots to all of the animals. He loved it so much that we went around THREE TIMES. If you have children and live in New Jersey, I HIGHLY recommend a visit to Brookhollow’s Barnyard!


Asbury Park Beach

Over Memorial Day weekend, we headed down to Asbury Park towards the end of one day to spend a few minutes with our feet buried in the sand. The beach is my happy place, and I have missed it terribly. It was so nice and refreshing to visit, even for just an hour and have some fun in the sun with the kiddos!