I have decided to start a new series on What’s For Dinner Esq. entitled “MY FAVE FIVE.” At the end of each month, I am going to post about five of my favorite things that I read about, purchased, experienced, or cooked/baked that month. I typically share my favorites on my Instagram stories, but I wanted them to have a permanent home on the blog, as well. March is a day late because…LIFE. So, here goes nothing. Here are my five favorites from March 2020 (in no particular order)!
Basic Challah from “Modern Jewish Baker” by Shannon Sarna – This past Friday, Nathan and I baked challah together for the first time ever. He loved throwing all of the ingredients into my KitchenAid mixer and kneading the dough. We used Shannon’s Basic Challah recipe. It is my ALL TIME favorite challah recipe. Unfortunately, I rarely have time to make it. It requires four hours of rising! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I am working from home and watching the kids at the same time. We have MORE than enough time to accommodate the rise! The finished product is well worth the waiting! It was also really adorable to watch Nathan say the prayer on the challah as we started the Sabbath. It definitely brought a tear or two to my eyes…

Peloton – All I have to say is THANK GOD FOR MY PELOTON. I don’t know what I would do without it right now. It is my only real exercise, and it is such a nice release after a long day of working and watching the kids. I am OBSESSED with all of the Cody Rigsby rides. I will be writing a FULL review of the Peloton on the blog very soon!

Magnatiles and Shapemags – These have quickly become Nathan’s favorite toy. Honestly, they are mine, as well. I LOVE to build houses with him! We always put Fisher Price Little People and Hot Wheels Cars into all of the different levels. Once we are done with the house, Nathan loves to knock the whole thing down. KABOOM! He also builds houses so nicely with them on his own. INDEPENDENT PLAY!!! YAY!!!

Cozy Sweatshirts – Since I started working from home a few weeks ago, I swore to myself that I wouldn’t wear sweatpants every single day. Getting dressed and blow drying my hair has really helped motivate me to have a productive day. With the exception of a few days here and there, I have been living in jeans and cozy sweatshirts. Here are a few of my favorites: one, two, three, four, five.

“The Idea of You” by Robinne Lee and “The Royal We” by Heather Cocks – I am FINALLY reading again! On nights when I don’t ride my Peloton, I have been reading in bed for a few hours. I finished these two books in two days. Once I like a book, it is very hard for me to put it down. One night, I stayed up until 2AM to finish one of the books. They were both fun and easy to read. I am such a sucker for a love story!