My Fave Five – August 2021

August was BUSY! Between Nathan’s 4th Birthday, the end of summer camp, and our family vacation we had A LOT going on!

I have finally recovered and come up for air post-vacation and Rosh Hashanah, so I thought now would be a good time to share my five favorites from August 2021!


A Surprise Visit From Spider-Man

We hosted a little superhero themed outdoor birthday party for Nathan and his friends! Iron Man and Icee’s was the theme. We hired a Kona Ice truck to come and serve shaved (that’s what they call it ;)) ice to everyone. He had been planning it since his birthday party last year (see HERE). My parents and brother flew in the celebrate! It was so special to be able to host everyone for icees and cupcakes. We even had a surprise visit from Spider-Man!!! My brother dressed up as Spider-Man and surprised EVERYONE. Nathan FREAKED OUT when he saw him!


Organizing Our Kitchen with Tori the Organizer (more to come on this)

Our kitchen has been a disaster area since moving into our home four years ago. I had been trying to organize it myself for YEARS, but could never find the time to truly dedicate to the project. We decided it was time to bring in professional help. Thankfully, our friend Tori is a professional organizer. She spent an ENTIRE SUNDAY going through each and every cabinet in the kitchen. After she was done, our kitchen was unrecognizable. We could actually see the kitchen counters and find things in the pantry! I can’t wait to share a full blog post with the (embarrassing) before and after photos.


Fresh Pasta Carbonara (NON-DAIRY!!!)

I love when Uncle Cub comes to town. He LOVES to make pasta from scratch! He made us the most AMAZING Non-Dairy Pasta Carbonara using THIS Simply Whisked recipe. For the bacon, we used Jack’s Gourmet Facon. It was DELICIOUS! He actually doubled the pasta dough recipe and put half of the dough in my freezer so I can make it another time.



I have been trying to grow eggplant for YEARS. Every time I try, the bugs get to it before it is ready, This year I FINALLY DID IT! I grew eggplant all by myself! And not just one…but TWO!


Family Trip to Hawaii

Every summer we go on vacation with my parents and siblings. Last year, due to COVID, we were unable to go anywhere. It just didn’t feel safe to get on a plane. This year, however, we were all able to take a trip together. Thank you, science!

We flew into LA for less than 24 hours, and then we were off to Hawaii! We went to the Big Island and stayed at The Fairmont Orchid. We had such a lovely time! Don’t worry…I will be doing a full blog post about the trip!

Cabana Life with Nora
Sunset at The Fairmont Orchid
Shave Ice with Ube Ice Cream
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